The Democratic Party of Palm Beach County

Quarter Circle Shape
Students Showing Thumb-up Gesture on Yellow Background
Group of High School Students
University building


Coordinating Committee


Chair - Ethan Fenichel

Contact Us Outline Icon

Mission Statement:

Shall plan, coordinate, and conduct countywide outreach to youth communities in Palm Beach County not served by other committees, especially those enrolled in colleges and high schools. Shall also serve as liaison, point of contact, and information hub for parties seeking to pursue youth outreach among Democratic and potential Democratic voters within the county.

Are you a young Democrat interested in getting active?

For young people 14 - 40.

The Young Dems aim to build broad coalitions of young people in a diverse membership to amplify youth voices in the political process.

For high schoolers - the statewide org can help you find or start your local chapter. HS Dems are the entry point to Democratic politics for youth activists from across the state

For all college students. To help mobilize college campuses to engage with Democratic politics through voting and activism. There are currently 15 chapters across the state

People Power for Florida was founded in 2017 with an initial contribution of $35 from then first-time candidate, Anna V. Eskamani. We are building a multi-class, multi-racial, and multi-generational coalition that shows up in different communities, on college campuses, and all across the Sunshine State to help people access their right to vote.

Youth PAC – This isn’t your parents’ organizing. Through FFL, we’re combining the power of Florida College Democrats, Florida High School Democrats, and paid on-campus organizing to make change in our communities. We aren’t a new organization, but we’re bringing fresh faces and more action into 2024 and beyond.

The College Democrats at ​Florida Atlantic University